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The Highland Scots of North Carolina
Item #: OM#7
The Highland Scots of North Carolina By Duane Meyer
This 75-page pamphlet was printed in 1963 as a condensation of the author's Highland Scots of North Carolina, 1732-1776, which had been published in 1961. The book chronicles the migration of the Highland Scots to the wilderness of North Carolina during the 1770's, including many specific individuals. It describes their motives for leaving and conditions they encountered in creating settlements in their new land. The book also explains the involvement of these transplants on both sides of the American Revolution.
The book is in very good condition and includes some maps from the time period.
Contact Olde Meck at info@oldemeck.org or 704-364-2693 for more information or to purchase this volume.
Names of the Carolina Charter Tercentenary Commission members are: Hon. Francis E. Winslow, Chairman Henry Belk Mrs. Doris Betts Dr. Chalmers G. Davidson Mrs. Everett L. Durham William C. Fields William Carrington Gretter, Jr. Grayson Harding Mrs. James M. Harper, Jr. Mrs. Ernest L. Ives Dr. Henry W. Jordan Mrs. Kauno A. Lehto James G. W. MacLamroc Mrs. Harry McMullan Dr. Paul Murray Dan M. Paul Dr. Robert H. Spiro, Jr. David Stick J. P. Strother Mrs. J. O. Tally, Jr. Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Wright
Names in the text, in order of first mention, are: Dr. Charles F. Carroll Robert L. Stallings Dr. Christopher Crittenden Captain Edward Burt James Edward Archibald Campbell Charles Edward Flora MacDonald Reverend Alexander Pope John Knox Thomas Garnett Sir Walter Raleigh Sir Robert Heath William Drummond Thomas Pollock James Innes Hugh Campbell William Forbes Governor Gabriel Johnston James Hogg James Inglis, Jr. Duncan Campbell Dugald McNeal Daniel McNeal "Coll" McAlister Neal McNeal William Augustus Butcher Cumberland James Minge Henry McCulloh Hugh McCranes Governor Dobbs Daniel Ray Soirle MacDonald Thomas Rutherford Farquard Campbell William Gordon Alexander McAlister Archibald McDuffie John McLean Archibald McKay, Jr. Archibald McNeil, Sr. John Campbell John Clark Angus McDugal Neil McNeil Allen Cameron Patrick McEachin William Campbell Robert Gillies Neil McArthur Robert Donaldson Murdock McLeod Hugh McAden Reverend James Campbell Roger McNeil Hector McNeil Duncan McNeil Alexander McKay Reverend John McLeod General Donald McDonald Samuel Johnson Malcolm Blue Patrick Campbell John Catanoch Aeneas McLeod William McDonald Hector McDonald John Brown Archibald Clark Allan McDonald Janet Schaw Mrs. Jean Corbin Mrs. James Innes Governor Dinwiddie George Washington Dugald McNeil John Steward Alexander McCallister William Tryon Dr. Houston Andrew Stewart James Rutherford Judge Edmund Fanning General Waddell Josiah Martin Archibald Maclaine Robert Hogg William Hooper General Gage Colonel Donald McLeod Alexander Schaw General Howe Sir Henry Clinton Lord Cornwallis James Hepburn Joseph Hewes Thomas Rhea Walter Murray James Giles William Gillespy James Gee Robert Cochran Alexander Legate David Smith Alexander McDonald William Pitt Henry Dumas General Schuyler John Witherspoon Cornelius Harnett Dugall Campbell Colonel Richard Caswell Colonel James Moore Alexander Lillington Surnames associated with this item include: Augustus, Belk, Betts, Blue, Brown, Burt, Cameron, Campbell, Carroll, Caswell, Catanoch, Clark, Clinton, Cochran, Corbin, Cornwallis, Crittenden, Cumberland, Davidson, Dinwiddie, Dobbs, Donaldson, Drummond, Dumas, Durham, Edward, Fanning, Fields, Forbes, Gage, Garnett, Gee, Giles, Gillespy, Gillies, Gordon, Gretter, Harding, Harnett, Harper, Heath, Hepburn, Hewes, Hogg, Hooper, Houston, Howe, Inglis, Innes, Ives, Johnson, Johnston, Jordan, Knox, Legate, Lehto, Lillington, MacDonald, Maclaine, MacLamroc, Martin, McAden, McAlister, McArthur, McCallister, McCranes, McCulloh, McDonald, McDuffie, McDugal, McEachin, McKay, McLean, McLeod, McMullan, McNeal, McNeil, Minge, Moore, Murray, Paul, Pitt, Pollock, Pope, Raleigh, Ray, Rhea, Rutherford, Schaw, Schuyler, Smith, Spiro, Stallings, Steward, Stewart, Stick, Strother, Tally, Tryon, Waddell, Washington, Winslow, Witherspoon, Wright | |