This is a book entitled, "Surry County Isle of Wight County - Families & History" It is reprinted from Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia Chicago, Etc. 1884 with a new index by Jim Presgraves of Bookworm & Silverfish in Wytheville, VA. The contents include:
Surry County History
Surry County Families
Surry County Index
Isle of Wight History
Isle of Wight Families
Isle of Wight Index
A Business-Bio of The Publisher
Using the index in the book we can offer the list of surnames in the book which includes:
Abbitt, Addison, Adison, Adkins, Anderson, Andrew, Andrews, Applewhait, Armstrong, Ashburn, Ashby, Atkins, Atkinson, Babb, Backhurst, Bagnall, Bagrall, Bailey, Bailor, Baker, Ballard, Barlow, Barnett, Barrett, Barton, Bateman, Batten, Battin,Batton, Baugh, Beal, Beale, Bell, Bennett, Betts, Bidgood, Binford, Birdsong, Blackwater, Blackwell, Bounds, Bowden, Bowles, Boykin, Bracey, Bracy, Bradshaw, Branch, Bransby, Brantley, Braswell, Bridger, Bridges, Britt, Broadfield, Broadwater, Brock, Brosey, Brown, Browne, Brunswick, Bryant,Bullock, Bunkley, Burgess, Burwell, Busby, Butler, Calcout, Calcut,Carbill, Carney, Carrell, Carroll, Carrollton, Carrols, Carrolton, Carrville, Carter, Casey, Cat, Cate, Catlin, Chalmers, Channel, Channell, Chapman, Chitty, Chowan, Chuckatuck, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cocke, Cofer, Coffer, Cofield, Coggin, Coggins, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copeland, Coper, Corbell, Corran, Council, Cowlin, Cox, Crocker, Cruise, Crump, Crumpler, Culver, Cutchin, Daniel, Darby, Darden, Dardin, Dashiell, Daughtry, Davis, Dawley, Day, Deford, Deforth, Delk, Dering, Dewes, Dews, Dick, Dickens, Dickson,Dinson, Dixon, Doyl, Doyle, Driver, Duck, Dugan, Duggan, Dunlap, Dunn, Edwards, Eley, Ellis, Elliss, Elmore, Eppes, Epps, Everett, Fason, Fearn, Ferby, Ferguson, Fitchene, Fitzhugh, Fiveash, Flake, Fletcher, Folk, Forest, Foster, Franklin, Freeman, Fulgham, Fulgum, Fullmer, Fullyhan, Gale, Gardner, Garner, Garrison, Garriss, Garthright, Garthwright, Gaskins, Gay, Gibbons, Gibbs, Giles, Giliam, Gilligan, Glover, Godwin, Goodrich, Goodson, Goodwin, Gordon, Gray, Greenhow, Grey, Grimes, Gwaltney, Gwathmey, Gyar, Haines, Hall, Halloway, Hamlin, Hampton, Hancock, Handcock, Hardy, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Harvey, Hasty, Hatchell, Hatchett, Hayes, Hayse, Haywood, Hearn, Heath, Helms, Herring, Hicks, Hill, Hines, Hobb, Hobbs, Hodsden, Holladay, Holland, Holleman, Holliday, Holloway, Holmes, Hopkins, Howard, Humphreys, Hunnicutt, Ivey, Ivor, Jenkins, Jessop, Johnson, Johnston, Joiner, Jolley, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, Joynn, Kello, Kimball, King, Kitchen, Lane, Larrance, Lawnes, Lawrence, Lee, Lightfoot, Little, Lunsly, Luther, MacClenney, Mackie, Maddera, Mahone, Mallory, Marshall, Martin, Mathew, Mathews, Matthews, McClainey, McClelland, McClenny, McCoy, McDougal, McLenny, McMullin, Mercer, Millington, Minton, Mints, Mister, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moody, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Munford, Murfree, Murphy, Murry, Nance, Nansemond, Neloney, Nelson, Nestor, Nevill, Newman, Newport, Nicholson, Norfleet, Norsworthy, Noseworthy, Nottoway, Nowell, Outland, Owens, Owtland, Pagan, Parker, Parkerson, Parnall, Parr, Parsons, Pasture, Pastures, Pate, Peake, Peck, Peden, Pedin, Perkins, Persons, Peters, Petett, Peyton, Philips, Phillipps, Phillips, Pierce, Pinner, Pitman, Pitt, Pittman, Plunkett, Pond, Pope, Porter, Powell, Presson, Produce, Provence, Pruden, Pulley, Pumphry, Purden, Purdie, Pyland, Quinn, Rawls, Redd, Renn, Reynolds, Rhodes, Riggan, Ripley, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rollins, Ruffin, Sanders, Saunders, Savedge, Scott, Seeds, Shelby, Shelly, Shelty, Shields, Shivers, Sikes, Simmons,Sledge, Smelly, Smiley, Smith, Smithfield, Spiers, Spivey, Spratley, Stagg, Stallings, Stattings, Stephens, Stephenson, Sterling, Stevens, Stingfield, Stott, Stringfield, Stroud, Sumrel, Surry, Sym, Vellines, Verlines, Vestry, Vick, Villines, Wail, Ward, Warren, Warrosquyoake, Washington, Watkins, Watson, McWilliams, Welch, West, Weston, Westray, Wheadon, Whiley, Whitby, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitely, Whitfield, Whitley, Whitney, Wiley, Wilkinson, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Windsor, Wise, Womble, Wombley, Woodard, Workman, Wrenn, Wright, Yeager, Young, Younger
To inquire or purchase, please contact Jim Presgraves at or Also telephone number 276-686-5813.
Surnames associated with this item include: Abbitt, Addison, Adison, Adkins, Anderson, Andrew, Andrews, Applewhait, Armstrong, Ashburn, Ashby, Atkins, Atkinson, Babb, Backhurst, Bagnall, Bagrall, Bailey, Bailor, Baker, Ballard, Barlow, Barnett, Barrett, Barton, Bateman, Batten, Battin,Batton, Baugh, Beal, Beale, Bell, Bennett, Betts, Bidgood, Binford, Birdsong, Blackwater, Blackwell, Bounds, Bowden, Bowles, Boykin, Bracey, Bracy, Bradshaw, Branch, Bransby, Brantley, Braswell, Bridger, Bridges, Britt, Broadfield, Broadwater, Brock, Brosey, Brown, Browne, Brunswick, Bryant,Bullock, Bunkley, Burgess, Burwell, Busby, Butler, Calcout, Calcut,Carbill, Carney, Carrell, Carroll, Carrollton, Carrols, Carrolton, Carrville, Carter, Casey, Cat, Cate, Catlin, Chalmers, Channel, Channell, Chapman, Chitty, Chowan, Chuckatuck, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cocke, Cofer, Coffer, Cofield, Coggin, Coggins, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copeland, Coper, Corbell, Corran, Council, Cowlin, Cox, Crocker, Cruise, Crump, Crumpler, Culver, Cutchin, Daniel, Darby, Darden, Dardin, Dashiell, Daughtry, Davis, Dawley, Day, Deford, Deforth, Delk, Dering, Dewes, Dews, Dick, Dickens, Dickson,Dinson, Dixon, Doyl, Doyle, Driver, Duck, Dugan, Duggan, Dunlap, Dunn, Edwards, Eley, Ellis, Elliss, Elmore, Eppes, Epps, Everett, Fason, Fearn, Ferby, Ferguson, Fitchene, Fitzhugh, Fiveash, Flake, Fletcher, Folk, Forest, Foster, Franklin, Freeman, Fulgham, Fulgum, Fullmer, Fullyhan, Gale, Gardner, Garner, Garrison, Garriss, Garthright, Garthwright, Gaskins, Gay, Gibbons, Gibbs, Giles, Giliam, Gilligan, Glover, Godwin, Goodrich, Goodson, Goodwin, Gordon, Gray, Greenhow, Grey, Grimes, Gwaltney, Gwathmey, Gyar, Haines, Hall, Halloway, Hamlin, Hampton, Hancock, Handcock, Hardy, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Harvey, Hasty, Hatchell, Hatchett, Hayes, Hayse, Haywood, Hearn, Heath, Helms, Herring, Hicks, Hill, Hines, Hobb, Hobbs, Hodsden, Holladay, Holland, Holleman, Holliday, Holloway, Holmes, Hopkins, Howard, Humphreys, Hunnicutt, Ivey, Ivor, Jenkins, Jessop, Johnson, Johnston, Joiner, Jolley, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, Joynn, Kello, Kimball, King, Kitchen, Lane, Larrance, Lawnes, Lawrence, Lee, Lightfoot, Little, Lunsly, Luther, MacClenney, Mackie, Maddera, Mahone, Mallory, Marshall, Martin, Mathew, Mathews, Matthews, McClainey, McClelland, McClenny, McCoy, McDougal, McLenny, McMullin, Mercer, Millington, Minton, Mints, Mister, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moody, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Munford, Murfree, Murphy, Murry, Nance, Nansemond, Neloney, Nelson, Nestor, Nevill, Newman, Newport, Nicholson, Norfleet, Norsworthy, Noseworthy, Nottoway, Nowell, Outland, Owens, Owtland, Pagan, Parker, Parkerson, Parnall, Parr, Parsons, Pasture, Pastures, Pate, Peake, Peck, Peden, Pedin, Perkins, Persons, Peters, Petett, Peyton, Philips, Phillipps, Phillips, Pierce, Pinner, Pitman, Pitt, Pittman, Plunkett, Pond, Pope, Porter, Powell, Presson, Produce, Provence, Pruden, Pulley, Pumphry, Purden, Purdie, Pyland, Quinn, Rawls, Redd, Renn, Reynolds, Rhodes, Riggan, Ripley, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rollins, Ruffin, Sanders, Saunders, Savedge, Scott, Seeds, Shelby, Shelly, Shelty, Shields, Shivers, Sikes, Simmons,Sledge, Smelly, Smiley, Smith, Smithfield, Spiers, Spivey, Spratley, Stagg, Stallings, Stattings, Stephens, Stephenson, Sterling, Stevens, Stingfield, Stott, Stringfield, Stroud, Sumrel, Surry, Sym, Vellines, Verlines, Vestry, Vick, Villines, Wail, Ward, Warren, Warrosquyoake, Washington, Watkins, Watson, McWilliams, Welch, West, Weston, Westray, Wheadon, Whiley, Whitby, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitely, Whitfield, Whitley, Whitney, Wiley, Wilkinson, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Windsor, Wise, Womble, Wombley, Woodard, Workman, Wrenn, Wright, Yeager, Young, Younger
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